Saturday, February 26, 2011

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W350 is very slim, fits nicely telefonem.Bardziej made for a woman than for male adolescents, although "any kind of" looks great . Telefonika is tiny and very light weight about 80 grams, the thickness does not exceed 1 cm is very narrow and the length is ok.10cm so in any pocket or purse will look good and fit in it. SE W350 has a lot of features like Telefonika to find low-end mins in nim.slot memory cards (a 14MB built-in so not too much), Bluetooth, EDGE radio with RDS-I, mp3 player who plays a purely silent no satisfactory volume of wheezing has a lot of setup options such as skins, equalizer, etc. Finally, a series of "W" and this should be expected of it. The W350 also has a camera with 1.3 megapixel pictures, but made him go badly, few settings options, or even the lack of autofocus LED lens with fill us makes sense to do the silent phone photos, not surprising from the photos we have, after a series of "K" and "C "here mainly focus on muzykę.Filmu postwiono It also does not burn it because it silent at all the options such as a video camera. The most annoying for me at the phone thing is that after the closure flap is automatically switched on an mp3 player and you can not minimize in any way, so to see np.datę or someone boast our wallpaper every time we open klapeczkę (and have not noticed Here no such thing as writing many users of this phone that the flap itself and August breaks fall, you just throw someone invisible phone or give your child the fun has to reckon with such effects!) on the other hand, after closing once we have access to our mp3-jek ao that's mostly it comes in this phone. The disadvantages of ergonomics
else can I say that when writing a text message sometimes does not click on this button, which we wanted to because they are very small and contained virtually no spacing from each other (again I use only the fair sex.) The display of the phone is not very impressive is the resolution 176x220pix, and its size is 1.9 inches so it's not TV.
But the battery is pretty decent (as in most of the SE, which I had already used to it), it lasts from 3 to 4 days of use, quite a nice result.
SE W350 I can recommend a person mainly to listen to music a lot and not pay too much attention to functions, because in the first ( mp3, radio) will check your W350 is phenomenal!


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