Sunday, June 13, 2010

Camilla Crispy Travesti

Lucian and Damian Parish Picnic "Antoniki.

On Sunday 13 June in our garden, the monastery took place on 4

Parish Picnic "Antoniki."

We as postulants took part in it and together with the guests we had on the performances;

- Team "Podzamek Boys,

- young people from a nearby school,

- a theater group headed by Father Anthony of the art" O Wolf of Gubio. "

Children were provided for different games and fun and crazy in the amusement park "Rainbow".

for elders (and others) were available; lottery, grilled sausage, dumplings, stew, a medical with the measurement of blood pressure and sugar, and other interesting stand.

festivities ended at about 20 lots are drawn major prizes in the raffle. See more


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