I finished college. Sometimes it seems to me like it was centuries ago. And really, it's pretty recent. I finished studies and that means the entry into adult life. Study it was for me, among others. time of going on to university ministry roraty on Fret. I would love to roraty just drove out there, but I live (in my adult life) too far. Obviously this is not feasible, but I would have to get up at 5 and not at 6am. Therefore, I go to roraty to the parish where I live. And this observation: roraty are for kids. Every morning, without exception: roraty for children.
Rorate Why are not there for adults? For adolescents, or young adults?
Rorate Why is not there just for the faithful?
pastoral considerations understand that this is an opportunity to encourage children to walk to church, but why in that case in this way to deter young people and adults? If you already have to do roraty for children, it can be in the chapel, or several times a week.
Why did it hurt me?
Bo do not understand the very idea of \u200b\u200bmass. for children if it is treated infantile. The most conspicuous example is for me the act of penance, which must express sorrow for sin, and is replaced by a banal pioseneczką a lively and silly melodyjce. And the masses are all those - infantile.
And it serves not only children but also adults who are on roratach.
But even for children does not seem appropriate to such methods.
with horror realized it myself that the majority of Polish parishes getting roraty for children.
Such roraty so I do not like that I am not surprised that few of them adults and young people that there is a place these children also would not go to them. Because children do not like to be treated as children but as adults.
wonder what purpose is this ministry. After all, these children when they grow up, just such Rorate "grow." Why is this ministry is so infantile?
hate So when my beloved Advent ...
But whether I, as a Catholic layman can do something? Sure, I get up and go on Freta hour, but that does not heal the sick situation. Because there is no longer just about me, but for all who go to roraty that are made for children (and I dare say that most Rorate any).
I'm not familiar with the pastor, but slowly I grow to him talk about this.
It will not be easy for me. I do not know what will be the fruit.
Rorate caeli et desuper Nubes welcomes pluant justum!